Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Deal With Your Hard Boss

Do you have a hard boss and forced to deal with him to save your job??
Do you escape sometime from your boss discussion, here i ll try to tell you how to solve these matters....

The Bad Leader - specially when some people have a poor skills and deal with hard boss or manager , that will not give them supports.
Deal With It - your boss or manager sometimes have not the ability or skills to be in his position and sure he have another luck or something put him in that position. try to explain to your boss how much you interest in work and how is he want you to work like, try to make him feel you team work,

The Control Freak - This type of boss leaves you completely frustrated as they constantly monitor everything you do and watch your every move, giving the impression they do not trust you.
Deal With It - Some people need to be involved throughout, so do not take it too personally, but the best way to handle the frustration is to talk openly with them and discuss what it is you will be doing before you start. Ask for their input or suggestions and outline which route you would prefer. Discuss with them how much more productive you will be if you have space and ask how you can meet their needs, agree to review the situation periodically.

The Flirt - Male or female a boss who flirts to get their own way can be a really tough situation to handle, you and your colleagues are never certain which way to respond to them.
Deal With it - What is office banter to one person maybe crossing the line to another. If you feel their behavior in unacceptable, look them in the eye and tell them firmly you do not like it. If the behavior continues tell them you will be reporting the matter to the HR department and if things do not improve this could lead to disciplinary action. Make sure to keep a log of exactly what has happened.

The Bully - This kind of boss has no problems shouting and intimidating those around them, whenever they feel like it, which leaves you and or your colleagues feeling humiliated.
Deal With It - The only way to deal with this is to confront them but do not make it too personal, instead of, when you shouted at me and put me down, say, when you criticized my idea. Then explain the impact this has on your performance. Acknowledge your contribution to any conflicts, this shows you are taking responsibility for your own actions. Suggest a solution to resolve things and ask for constructive criticism on any assignments you are working on, involving him/her in your ideas before you implement them.

Source : http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Deal-With-Your-Boss&id=1360543

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